My Blissdom Weekend

I only have a few minutes and I’m still trying to wrap my head around all the amazing things going on right now, so this is going to be short.

I won a free conference pass to Blissdom a while back and I was really unsure if I would be able to go or not. Well, I went and had a great time. I also met some crazy talented women! I also made some new friends for life.

I seriously mean it when I say God had this written in my plan from day one. I am blessed and incredibly honored to have amazing people in my life.

At this conference I was challenged to write something dangerous and not safe. This has been brewing in me for a while now, and I’m working on it. I promise I’m going to share it soon.

I drove home late Saturday night with the help of two energy drinks and arrived safely into my husband’s arms a little after 4 am. My family is a huge part of my heartbeat and I had missed them terribly.

It was good to be missed too!

I’m going to be making changes around here soon, so I hope you’ll continue to hang around with me.


  1. I can’t wait to see what you are cooking up!!!

  2. Ahhh!! So glad to hear this. Looking forward to it!

  3. this is great! Thank you for sharing.=]

  4. So wonderful to meet you at Blissdom! Looking forward to reading your daring post! : ) You can do it! Blessings!

    • You made an impact on me and I will never forget your love and compassion while you prayed over me. I can tell you that God is moving in BIG ways right now! Thank you so much!!

  5. It was absolutely fantastic to meet you. I love Blissdom, and so glad you won that ticket and was able to attend!

  6. also, that weird “emilybabbles” person is me, DesighHER Momma. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. What a great blog you have! So happy I found you through the live.laugh.rowe blog hop. New follower! Looking forward to hearing about your Blissdom experience! I’m sure it was amazing! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. (fun connecting with you on twitter) — sounds like what I gleaned from Blissdom — the going big, being brave, and more. I am looking forward to reading more.
    Blessings to you!

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